





營業時間:週一-週日 24小時
Email : info@beautyomap.com
Line : @125qixtj



About Omap

We’re on a mission to digitally revolutionise the hair and beauty community. We’re the industry’s smartest salon management software, all connected to Taiwan’s leading booking platform. We work with over 600 salon partners across whole area. But we’re not even close to being done. Right now, 90% of salons still use pen and paper to manage their business and only 5-10% of bookings are made online - that’s tiny. We’re currently a team of 8 (and growing) passionate and brilliantly talented people, working to bring the hair and beauty industry online and to give everyone the freedom to book the perfect salon experience - at any time or place. But getting there means constantly evolving our team... and you might be the perfect addition.

Advertise - We’re always looking for exciting new collaborations – if you’re an advertiser and you’d like to work with us, we’d be keen to find out more. Contact us to talk things through. Copyright infringement - If you would like to tell us about an alleged infringement of your intellectual property right(s) on this website, please contact us.



我們致力於通過便捷的網路方式改變美業環境, 美麗地圖是目前業界最完善、最容易上手的沙龍預約及管理平台,目前已匯集全台灣超過 600 多家的優質店家。在台灣,85% 的業者仍然使用傳統的紙筆來處理他們的行政工作,只有 5-10% 的預訂是線上進行的。並且,業者需要花費更多的時間進行網路行銷。美麗地圖是由 8 名熱情和才華橫溢的人組成的團隊,並且還在不斷壯大,致力於將美麗的產業彙整到網路上,讓所有消費者都可以自由地比較、預訂完美的沙龍體驗——無論何時何地。

廣告 - 我們一直在尋找令人興奮的新合作,如果您是廣告商並且願意與我們合作,我們很樂意了解更多信息。 請通過電子郵件與我們聯繫,討論具體事宜。侵犯版權 - 如果您想告訴我們本網站涉嫌侵犯您的產權,請聯繫我們。